...No its Iowa...I mean Cleveland Ohio. Forgive me if I'm a bit new to this whole "winning thing" around here, but damn it feels good! We haven't won a championship (yet), but lets just reset exactly what Cleveland fans have experienced in the last 12+ months:
1. Ohio State (our adopted college football team) went to the BCS Championship Game and is back atop the BCS standings again this year poised to revenge last year's loss.
2. Cleveland native Troy Smith wins the Heisman Trophy.
3. Ohio State basketball is lead by a group of freshman to the NCAA tournament final.
4. The Cleveland Cavaliers win the Eastern Conference for the first time in franchise history.
5. The Browns are 3-3 headed in to the bye week. For most cities this wouldn't be much, but in a town starving for a winning football team it means the world.
6. The Tribe is in the ALCS in a series deadlocked at 1-1 and looking like a team to be reckoned with after a record setting 7 runs in extra innings to knock the BoSox back to earth.
I feel like a kid in a candy store right now. And, we all know that sports is the candy store of life.
Do I want a championship? Absolutely. But isn't being a fan all about the ride? The experience of consistently winning? Slapping high fives with complete strangers and downing a beer with your grandfather as he tells you stories of Jim Brown and Bob Feller...thats the essence of being a sports fan. And right now, in Cleveland Ohio, it doesn't get any better.
The Indians look like a team of destiny after last night. Its about time the arrogant Bostonians learn that baseball universe doesn't revolve around them. They will after 3 more Indian victories. Then, think about this....we may get a shot to win a championship against the Rockies, who come from Denver. How appropriate would that be? We could put to rest years of misery caused by that city and break our curse. Its all within our grasp.
The Browns were down and out. Jerry Jones was already contemplating how much he would have to pay Darren McFadden after he drafted him with our number one pick. Well, don't look now, but the Browns look like a, dare I say it, playoff caliber football team. Derek Anderson is third in the league in TD passes! We have an offensive line and running game! Braylon and Kellen look like Pro Bowlers! Romeo remembered how to coach! !Hallelujah!
The Cavs are admittedly the 3rd wheel in this town. But, they may have its biggest star. Maybe the biggest star in sports in King James. When was the last time Cleveland could say that? Not since we had Jim Brown. This town has rallied around what was once the ugly step child of franchises in this city. Almost every game is sold out. The Q has become one of the best atmospheres in the NBA. The team is set up to win championships for years with San Antonio disciples Danny Ferry and Mike Brown leading the way.
Cleveland, this may be the beginning of the golden era of sports in this town.
Lets just all enjoy the ride.
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