Monday, October 22, 2007
Screw You Boston
Note to Boston fans, congrats to the biggest bunch of whiny aholes I've ever met. You are terrible fans and your team is full of guys who are even worse than you.
Don't celebrate too hard, your payroll is about tripple the size of the Indians, you should win every year dumbasses.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Josh Beckett is "Classy"
Josh Beckett may be the best post season pitcher ever. But, he's arrogant, cocky, and overall just not a very good person. The man needs put a filter on himself. F bombs in the middle of a presser isn't the way to go.
BTW, his ex singing the National Anthem....classic
Wedge Blew This Game-Kind Of

Top of the 7th innings, your ace has given you a workmen's like effort. Six innings pitched, 2 runs, stranding a ton of base runners. He's had over 100 pitchers, so you pull him right? Not Wedgie. And that my friends was the end of the game.
So how could it have been different? Well, CC is done after 6. Raffy righty pitches your 7th and 8th innings-giving up most likely zero runs. Then, you still have a 2-1 deficit. Its a different mindset with a one run deficit as opposed to a five or 6 run deficit. Who knows if they could have pushed one across. But, its a chance I would have taken.
Granted, I understand Wedgie's reasoning. He didn't want to push Raffy too much again with possibly 2 big back to back games coming up. I still don't like seeing Sabathia left in there though. Go to Mastny or someone like that then if you must. But CC was gassed. Oh, and as for Raffy Perez...why did they bring him in the 8th? Easy, it was a 3 run BoSox lead and Perez needed to get some work/confidence back. I get that. He was a dumb mistake (on his part) away from getting out of that inning.
Don't get me wrong. Wedge has been great this year and in the playoffs. You can't be mad at the guy, everyone makes mistakes. Its easy for me, the fan, to sit here and say why didn't you do (blank). I just saw CC staying in as a rather huge, evident mistake that could have been avoided, and could have changed the face of that ballgame.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
One to Go with an Ace in the Hole

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
LeBron Shows His True Colors
Brief AFL Cleveland Update
Offically (bank on it) here is the front office for our new Cleveland AFL Franchise:
Jim Ferraro: Owner
-Nothing surprising here. Its been his team and will continue to be. Lawyer with ties to Cleveland and The U-where he met...
Bernie Kosar: Team President
-Will oversee the operations of the team. Also, most likely the public face of the team.
Mike Wilpot: Head Coach
-Was announced previously as the new head coach. He stated he was looking forward to going back out west....oops. Well, he's staying and he has a good resume. Was an interm coach one year for the Indiana Firebirds and almost lead them to a championship. Also, recently was a defensive coordinator for the Los Angeles Avengers.
Tom Goodhines: Exec. VP and General Manager
-Former GM of the Utah Blaze, also has been involved in communications. Broadcasted and wrote about the AFL for many years before moving up. Will make the football decisions along with Bernie.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Half Way to the Fall Classic

Sunday, October 14, 2007
Is This Heaven?

Every Dirt Dog Has His Day

Friday, October 12, 2007
Back to Baseball...

T-Minus 3 hours until first pitch of the ALCS. Cleveland is stoked and ready for their first American League Pennant since 97' (channeling Tony Fernandez...). Boston...not so much.
Out of curiosity, I tuned into Boston sports station WEEI this morning. I was listening to a show hosted by ESPN castoff, Michael Holley (note to self, never pin my career on Max Kellerman or anything called "I, Max"). It literally took about 1/2 hour before there was any substantial talk about the baseball game. What was the dominant topic? The Cowboys/Patriots game. So its apparent to me Boston is no longer a baseball town, its Patriots Nation. Most of what I heard was dominated by the football game and the callers taking offense to Wade Phillips saying their 3 Superbowl victories were tainted because they cheated. Of course, they were caught cheating, so naturally they are tainted. So basically...Boston fans are not very bright and don't deserve another chance to win a World Series. Therefore, its our job as Clevelanders to do everything we can to make sure that happens.
Note to self, if at a game at Jacobs Field, scream math equations at Manny Ramirez while at the plate, that should confuse him. 2+2=4 is a good place to start.

The AFL owners approved the move to Cleveland today. Thank you to everyone who took part in the Gladiaddicts. We did our part. Ferraro can bite us one and all.
Maybe Vegas will get a new team when the new arena is built. I'll definitely
contact the fan base when and if that day comes. It would be great to see what
Vegas can do with respectable, local ownership.The site and forum will be gone
in about a week. It's been real.Thanks,Max
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Word out of Las Vegas is that there will soon be an Arena Football League team in Cleveland. There are conflicting reports as to whether this will be an existing team or expansion team and who the main owner will be, but this is what is known. Bernie Kosar and Cavaliers executive Len Komorowski headed to Chicago for the AFL meetings Tuesday and Wednesday. They are expected to announce a team will be playing in The Q next year owner by Bernie Kosar and Jim Ferraro...or Randy Lerner. The team will be called the Cleveland Bulldogs.
Jim Ferraro is currently the owner of the Las Vegas Gladiators. If the name is familiar, he is a lawyer, who has had multiple ads on local TV, and has offices in both Cleveland and Miami. He bought the New Jersey AFL franchise a few years back and moved them to Vegas, with disappointing results. The team averaged about 5,000 fans a game this year. He is also a former football player at Miami and also graduated from there, hence the tie to Bernie.
Ferraro would like to move his team to Cleveland and have an expansion team replace his in Vegas. However, AFL execs reportedly balked at this because he would in effect be getting a new team, without paying the expansion fee (which is reportedly between $30-40 million). Also, Ferraro is not beloved by his fellow owners due to the fact he was unsuccessful in 2 locations(Vegas and New Jersey) and 3 different arenas(1 in Jersey, 2 in Vegas) already. They are afraid he will mess up what is considered as a viable market in Cleveland.
Kosar, determined to land a team in Cleveland, has a back up plan in Browns owner Randy Lerner. The Lerner family has previously stated that they are not interested in owning an AFL team. However, it is believed that Randy Lerner (a close friend of Kosar's) has been convinced that Bernie could run a viable, profitable team in Cleveland. However, Lerner knows he is the backup plan and would only be counted on if Ferraro is stonewalled in his attempt to move his team.
And how do the Cavs play into all of this? It had previously been reported that Dan Gilbert would not be interested in hosting an AFL team since it would create competition for his other minor league franchise, the Lake Erie Monsters. The smaller Wolstein Center on the Cleveland State Campus was considered the front runner to host a team. However, the almighty dollar seems to have convinced Mr. Gilbert to allow another team in his venue. Simply, more dates he can use the arena, the more profitable the Q will be. Plus, there will be opportunity for cross marketing between the three franchises in the arena.
The official announcement of a franchise is expected soon. However, no exact date has been set. Details must be worked out behind the scenes first. Kosar's recent candid comments about attending the meetings this week leads me to believe we will be hearing something sooner, rather than later.
Welcome to Cleveland, Bulldogs!
The New Look
Indians/Red Sox
Are the Indians Really the Underdogs?

143-61. No, thats not the score of an Hawaii/BGSU football game. Its the difference in payroll between the two contenders for the crown of American League Champion. The Red Sox spent approximately 143 million dollars for their 96 victories. The Indians spent 61 million dollars for their 96 wins. Naturally, the Indians would be looked at as the underdogs in this series. However, a closer look at the talent on both rosters reveals a different story.
I used a system to rate each player expected to be on their respective 25 man rosters. They were given a ranking in one these categories:
MVP: (5 points) The very top in terms of talent and performance.
All Star: (4 points) A great player, in the top 5 or 10 at his position
Solid: (3 points) Is in the top half of the league at his position.
Average: (2 points) Does well enough, but not considered a standout.
Below Average: (1 points) An ERA above 5.00 or BA below .250.
And here is the breakdown, one through twenty five
Indians Red Sox
1. Sabathia-MVP Beckett-MVP
2. Carmona-MVP Schilling-All Star
3. Westbrook-Solid Dice K-Solid
4. Byrd-Average Wakefield-Average
5. Borowski-Solid Papelbon-MVP
6. Betancourt-MVP Gagne-Solid
7. Perez-MVP Okajima-MVP
8. Lewis-Solid Delcarmen-Solid
9. Mastny-Average Timlin-Average
10. Fultz-Average Lopez-Average
11. Laffey-Average Lester-Average
12. Martinez-All Star Ortiz-MVP
13. Sizemore-All Star Ramirez-MVP
14. Hafner-Solid Lowell-All Star
15. Peralta-Solid Youkilis-Solid
16. Lofton-Solid Pedroia-Solid
17. Garko-Solid Varitek-Average
18. Blake-Average Drew-Average
19. Cabrera-Average Crisp-Average
20. Gutierrez-Average Lugo-Average
21. Shoppach-Average Mirabelli-Below Average
22. Barfield-Below Average Cora-Below Average
23. Gomez-Average Hinske-Below Average
24. Michaels-Average Ellsbury-Solid
25. Nixon-Average Kielty-Below Average
Indians Team Score: 72
Red Sox: 71
Indians Starting Pitchers: 15
Red Sox Starting Pitchers: 14
Indians Bullpen: 22
Red Sox Bullpen 22
Indians Pitching Staff: 37
Red Sox Pitching Staff: 36
Indians Line Up: 26
Red Sox Line Up: 28
Starting Pitchers, Top 4 Relievers, and Line Ups
Indians: 57
Red Sox: 58
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Looking Back...And Ahead

Sorry to interrupt the coverage of the Yankees demise...but there were in fact 4 teams that still advanced to the league championship series. Yes, I know ESPN would lead you to believe that the season ended Monday night when Joe Borowski struck out Jorge Posada...but that just isn't the case.
So, the Cubs/DBacks and Indians/Yankees series' both played about exactly how I thought they would. The overrated Cubs got swept by the pitching heavy Diamondbacks. The Yankees hitters were then shut down by the Indians great starters and bullpen. (Do you see a trend there?)
The Red Sox beating the Angels shouldn't surprise me. I had the Angels taking it, but maybe I was picking more with my heart than my brain. I really wanted the Angels to win-because as an Indians fan I knew it would be an easier test for the Tribe in the next round. Safe to say, Boston is the real deal and it will be a hell of an ALCS.
The Phillies/Rockies series really surprised me. These were two hot teams heading into the post season. I really thought that the law of averages would catch up with the Rocks' and they would have to eventually lose. Instead, the post season proved what seems to be the norm lately-expect the unexpected. The Rockies are a good team (I never thought they weren't) but I underestimated the fact that they are just on one of those magical rides.
Looking ahead, I'm still going to stick with my World Series prediction (that I made on April 3rd!) that its going to be the Indians and the Diamondbacks. Boston and Cleveland are about as even as can be. I think this goes 7 games. I'll take my chances with CC and Fausto getting the ball for 5 games of the series. (5 games? Yea, both will be ready to go in some capacity for a game 7-bet on it). But, Boston has Beckett, Schilling, and home field. However, Schilling isn't the same Schilling anymore. He can pitch a great 7 innings one game, but it could be 5 innings and 4 runs in another. The key though I think is going to be Dice-K. He has got shelled in the second half. Westbrook will at least keep the Indians in the game. Dice-K could just blow up on the Sox. Bullpens are about even, lest I remind you JoeBo had more saves this year than Paps. And the hitting...well great pitching neutralizes great hitting in the playoffs. Clutch hitting is what matter, and we know the Indians have that down pat after the ALDS. This will be an epic 7 game series, but I'm sticking by the Tribe to celebrate in bean town in game 7.
The Dbacks and Rockies may be just as intriuging. Both teams are evenly matched, but built completely differently. The Rockies are full of hitter who have some pretty impressive stats. The DBacks have a bunch of young guys whose stats aren't very good, but seem to always come up with the big hit. Starting pitching could be almost considered a wash, but 'Zona has a true ace in Cy Young award winner Brandon Webb. The Rockies may get to see him 3 times if it goes that far. The deciding factor though I think will be the bullpens. Again, Arizona is just lights out when you get into their pen. Valverde is Nasty. The Rockies pen has been on a hot streak, but can you really trust Latroy Hawkins? Matt Herges? Jorge Julio? I wouldn't want to. Thats why I think this goes 6, possibly 7, with the Diamondbacks coming out on top.
But, as I always say...thats why they play the games....
Thursday, October 4, 2007
The Anti-Bartman

An Open Letter to Cubs Fans:
So you're a Cubs fan. You've been beaten down every which way by your team. Some years, you are just flat out terrible. The years that you are good, you lose in heart breaking fashion. Then you finally get a year that you are good, and the National League is wide open. You determine you are going to do everything in your power to make sure this is the year the curse is broken. What you you do? You buy a $1000 ticket, sit behind home plate, and put up a red flashing Cubs sign to distract the Diamondbacks closer...
Yea, some A-Hole actually did that last night. And that my friend is why for every cute grandma that has been rooting for her Cubbies since 08' there is some beer guzzling, stuck up, over zealous fan who represents the team on the north side. I mean, seriously Mr. Latte drinking, caviar eating, bandwagon Cubbie fan-you are a disgrace to the game. I have no idea how you did not get kicked out of that game last night. I looked at you once and already knew you were some high class snobby business man who probably used his expense account from his company to fly out to Phoenix to watch his team collapse....again. So you know what? Sorry grandma, because of A-Holes like this guy, I hope the Cubs don't win a pennant for another 100 years.
Cubs fans revel in their place in baseball lore as the lovable losers....GET OVER YOURSELVES! A team in your own backyard had a championship drought too, but you didn't see their fans sporting that "woe is me" attitude. Even if you are a Cubby fan, you're probably a Bears and Bulls fan too. Ya, you know those two franchises which have won your city 7 championships over the last 2 decades. Ya, woe is me my ass. You've celebrated your fair share of winners and got to witness two of the great players of our generation: Walter Payton and some guy named Jordan.
Cubs fans, I hope you enjoy the next few days when an EXPANSION TEAM blows you out of the playoffs. Your high priced players and rent-a-manager won't take the loss to heart like you will...because they don't care. You really think Alfonso Soriano came to Chicago for the mystic of being a Cubby? Or maybe his that huge contract they gave him that no other team was offering!
We know how you'll react come next week..poor us...maybe next year...lets go buy some more players...
Like they say....theres always next year...or next century in your case
The rest of the fans in major league baseball
And After Day One....

1. Nothing surprising about the Rockies win. That game could have gone either way. In another place and another time, Cole Hamels doesn't walk 3 guys in one inning. Law of averages dictates that the Rockies have to lose sometime. Today probably will be the day.
2. I'm a little worried about the Angels offense. I guess I should have looked into that line up more and found out that ex Indians and Expos farmhand Macier Iztuiris was batting 5th (yikes!). But, I still like the Angels scrappy style of play. We'll see what happens tomorrow.
3. I saw last night coming with the Cubs and DBacks. That game is exactly how Arizona has won all year. Its inexplicable-but it keeps happening. So I'm not betting against them. They are one Ted Lilly meltdown away from clinching this series.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Now...for the most accurate post season predictions

It was Tuesday April 3rd. It was the middle of the afternoon, and I was bored out of my mind sitting in my ECON 203 class. So what did I do? Of course I wrote down my predictions for the upcoming MLB season. I made a pick for the world series...and what do you know, those two teams are still alive today. So, of course, I have to stick to that prediction today.
Indians vs Yankes: Indians in 4
-Anything could happen in the post season. Not everything makes sense. But, with that said, I believe that everything is going the Indians way in this series. It could easily be 2-0 going into Sunday's game with a pitcher with a bad shoulder trying to save their season. Good pitching beats good hitting. Period. The Indians have good pitching.
-X factor: Look at the Yankees bullpen. Outside of Joba and Mariano...who do they have? exactly...
Angels vs Red Sox: Angels in 5
-A toss up, but the deciding factor is the Angels ability to scratch out runs. Mike Sciocia is a proponent of stealing bases, the hit and run, bunting, and going 1st to 3rd on singles. That is going to wear on the Red Sox, a team who lives and dies by the big inning.
-X factor: Will Dice-K show he's worth the money? He'll either be in the position of putting the dagger through the Angels, or needing to save the Red Sox from the brink of elimination. I'm not a believer.
Diamondbacks vs Cubs: D-Backs in 3
-Does anyone realize who has the best record in the NL? ITS THE D-BACKS! Shocking, I know. But its not a coincidence. The Cubs are talented, but flawed. They won the division by default. The D-Backs can pitch and come up with clutch hitting. That my friends is the perfect formula for post season success.
-X factor: The D-Backs are incredibly young and unproven. Their manager is too. Does the post season get to them?
Phillies vs Rockies: Phillies in 4
-I love the Rockies. I wish they would win this series. But, I just get the feeling that the ride has to end sometime-soon. Their hitting admittedly is not as good outside of Coors. Plus, the Phillies pitching is hitting its stride at the right time.
-X factor: The Rockies bullpen is filled with a bunch of castoffs from other teams. If needed in a clutch situation, will they perform?
Indians vs Angels: Indians in 6
-The Tribe is just the all around better team. There is really nothing that the Angels do that they are better at. The key is that CC/Fausto > Lackey/Escobar. Plus, the Indians back end of the pen is nails. It will be a good series, but this is just the Indians year.
-X factor: Is Vlad healthy? Big players make big plays in the post season. If he's not himself, thats a huge blow to the team.
Diamondbacks vs Phillies: Diamondbacks in 7
-This has all the makings of a series where the Phillies come in overconfident, go down 2-0, storm back to take a 3-2 lead, only to lose it. The Phillies will overlook the DBacks. But the DBacks will do what they've done all year, pitch well and and get clutch hitting. The fairy tail season continues (but will anyone in Phoenix notice?).
-X factor: Charlie Manuel makes questionable moves. He will do something that will change the course of the series...for the worse.
World Series
Indians vs Diamondbacks: Indians in 5
-Most of the country will turn off their TV sets, but Cleveland will rejoice, the curse will be broken. The Diamondbacks will just be out of gas. Typical of young teams who are "just happy to be there." The Indians are a team on a mission. They will do what it takes to close it out.
-X factor: The Indians killer instinct must be shown here. The DBacks will give them a series if JoeBo blows a clinching game, or Jhonny makes a crucial error.
So there you have it, my humble opinion. Now watch none of it happen.
The World Wide Leader's Post Season Predictions